I was recently asked to be the 'featured mentor' for the July 2009 newsletter that Animation Mentor releases to their school each month. The newsletter has various articles along with a featured mentor and featured student.
If you are not familiar with this on-line school, you should click the link I have posted on the right side of my Blog.
It's a great school for people that want to learn the full 'feature' style of animation in 3D. A great choice also for people who are limited with not being able to attend an animation school in person but want to learn from professionals.
And the people in charge of this school have been so extremely nice for the last 2 years I have been working with them. I find a lot of positive encouragement from my friend and co-founder of the school Bobby Beck.
Click his name to go to his Blog.
Also the main person that keeps all of us mentors in line is Cathleen Hodgson.
Cathleen could not be more helpful and I'm sure other mentors would agree when I say that she is just a peaceful soul who makes it so easy to work with.
I teach 'STORY' in class 5.
Very fortunate to be with them.

If you are not familiar with this on-line school, you should click the link I have posted on the right side of my Blog.
It's a great school for people that want to learn the full 'feature' style of animation in 3D. A great choice also for people who are limited with not being able to attend an animation school in person but want to learn from professionals.
And the people in charge of this school have been so extremely nice for the last 2 years I have been working with them. I find a lot of positive encouragement from my friend and co-founder of the school Bobby Beck.
Click his name to go to his Blog.
Also the main person that keeps all of us mentors in line is Cathleen Hodgson.
Cathleen could not be more helpful and I'm sure other mentors would agree when I say that she is just a peaceful soul who makes it so easy to work with.
I teach 'STORY' in class 5.
Very fortunate to be with them.

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You should be proud of the work you've accomplished. I wouldn't purely associate it with having an ego, it really depends on how humble, helpful and "down-to-earth" somebody remains. Many only dream to animate, and you've created great work. Mulan is one of my fave characters (both animation and herself as a character) and you all did a great job. It would be nice to see some of your roughs from those Disney heroines if you can. Keep up the great work.
thanks Samantha
Once I settle from my move in August, i will try to post some of the Disney roughs that i have.
"Inspirational" seems such a cliche' term, but here it really applies.
One of my earliest mentors warned, "It's not about you.. it's about the work" and yet it is sometimes so hard to hold to that separation. In many ways, your naked mind sits there on the tundra of the page (be it digital or actual) with invisible blood and sweat laying around it...and it is both scary and valuable to show that to your peers.
Thanks for illuminating the valuable part! It's an encouragement.
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