And cute.
Seeing the work that has been done on Disney's next feature release ' TANGLED ' I can't help but be drawn right into the film by the beautiful design. I know that some may find her too similar to little mermaids Ariel or simply too 'Disney' looking.
Seeing the work that has been done on Disney's next feature release ' TANGLED ' I can't help but be drawn right into the film by the beautiful design. I know that some may find her too similar to little mermaids Ariel or simply too 'Disney' looking.
This isn't the same Disney design. It's better. More appealing. And with the attention
given to her eyes, simply beautiful work. With Glen Keane leading the design and animation, and dictating the motion of the hair { as seen below }, the Disney crew surely has created another classic Disney leading lady for the company.
I hope the story matches the look and the crew is rewarded with all the positives they deserve.
given to her eyes, simply beautiful work. With Glen Keane leading the design and animation, and dictating the motion of the hair { as seen below }, the Disney crew surely has created another classic Disney leading lady for the company.
I hope the story matches the look and the crew is rewarded with all the positives they deserve.
bonus cheques will work :-)

Glen Keane wanted this to be an animated movie that looked and felt like a traditional hand-drawn Disney Classic in 3D, he first had a seminar called "The Best of Both Worlds", where he, with 50 Disney animators (CGI artists and traditional artists), focused on the pros and cons of each style. Because of advancements in computer technology, many basic principles of animation used in traditional animated movies but which have been absent in CGI films due to technical limitations are now becoming possible also in this field of animation, where they will be used together with the potential offered by CGI. Keane has stated numerous times that he is trying to make the computer "bend its knee to the artist" instead of having the computer dictate the artistic style and look of the film. By making the computer become as "pliable as the pencil," Keane's vision of a "three dimensional drawing" seems within reach, with the artist controlling the technology. Because many of the techniques and tools that were required to give the film the quality Keane demanded of it didn't exist when the project was started, WDFA had to make them on their own.[4]
To create the impression of a drawing, non-photorealistic rendering is going to be used, making the surface look like it is painted but still containing depth and dimensions.